I love everything about this season. When growing up I always remember mom letting us kids stay up extra late, so we could put up the tree. Although I never remember having a real tree, and that didn’t see to matter to us. We just love decorating the house with decorations. Up the banister with garland, putting out the Christmas figurines, and making cookies. I always remember making and decorating Sugar Cookie a few weeks before. That was the best thing ever! I never liked eating the actual cookie itself, more or less the frosting and sprinkles off the cookie. When decorating our tree we each had our own ornaments that we put on ourselves, and the amount grew each year when mom would buy us each a new one, and each ornament represented our personality like one year I got a phone because all I do is talk or a shoe, well because I love them! So it was very interesting and neat to open the box up and guess what was in it. Another thing I remember is that the one year our cousins came over to help. Mom had been gone for the evening and all six of us got dressed up really nice, had ourselves a party, eat a really nice dinner, and then turned on the Christmas music and decorated our tree! I remember stringing popcorn for the first time. It was so hard! It kept falling apart and I was getting so mad, but eventually I got it and it stayed. We strung the whole tree. It looked good and took forever and to this day I have never done it again, EVER! I also remember mom and Erin trying to keep the theory of “Santa Clause” alive for me as a kid. Although one year I do believe that I caught mom aka “Santa” coming up the steps with gifts from the basement, I knew there never was a “Santa”. I always managed to find and/or figure out what my Christmas gifts were, and it would make them so made. Well and now that I have money of my own there are things that I ask for and the joke is that I will get it for myself before Christmas, and over the years they quickly found out that I am not good at keeping secrets either! So now they don’t tell me ANYTHING and trying to surprise me is imposable, because I will always figure it out! They get so mad at me!
Now on to the REAL reason for Christmas. Now that I am older I realize the better part of Christmas. The true meaning of Christmas. Don’t get me wrong all of the traditions that I grew up on are what make me and my family who we are, but for us there is something deeper more meaningful, than the music or the tree or the gifts. It’s the birth of Jesus Christ! I believe that without the birth of Christ and the many things that Happened that night to Mary and Joseph, many things this season have no real meaning, if you don‘t believe. If you can’t find the Joy of the season then there’s nothing more to look forward to, then just another holiday. Christ is after all the reason for the season!
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